Headphone Amp vs. Integrated Amp

October 15, 2021


As audiophiles, we're always looking for that next upgrade to enhance our listening experience. Two common options are headphone amps and integrated amps. But what's the difference, and which one is right for you? In this article, we'll give an unbiased comparison of the pros and cons of each, with some numbers to back it up.

What is a headphone amp?

A headphone amp is a dedicated amplifier designed specifically to drive headphones. It takes an audio signal and amplifies it to levels that can drive headphones, resulting in higher volume levels while maintaining sound clarity.

What is an integrated amp?

An integrated amplifier combines a preamplifier and a power amplifier into a single unit. It takes an audio signal from a source device and amplifies it to drive speakers.


Now that we know the basic definitions, let's compare some key factors to help you decide which one is best for you.

Sound quality

In terms of sound quality, both headphone amps and integrated amps can produce high-quality audio. However, dedicated headphone amps often provide better sound clarity and precision since they're specifically designed for headphones.


When it comes to power, integrated amps have the upper hand. They're built to drive speakers, meaning they can deliver more power to create louder volume levels. On the other hand, headphone amps deliver less power, but they're designed to drive headphones without overloading or damaging them.


Headphone amps can range anywhere from $50 to over $500, depending on the brand and features. Integrated amps, on the other hand, can range from a few hundred up to tens of thousands of dollars.


Integrated amps have more versatility since they can power a variety of speakers and work with multiple source devices. Headphone amps only work with headphones, limiting their versatility.


Deciding between a headphone amp and integrated amp ultimately depends on your needs and budget. If you're solely using headphones and want the best sound quality possible without breaking the bank, a dedicated headphone amp is the way to go. On the other hand, if you're interested in powering a full speaker setup and need more versatility, an integrated amp is the better choice.

Hopefully, this unbiased comparison has helped you make a more informed decision on which amp to choose.


  1. Headphone Amplifiers vs Integrated Amplifiers
  2. Headphone Amplifier vs Integrated Amplifier: Which is Best for You?

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